At the end of this winter I travelled to Venice for a weekend and here is my little photo story from the trip.
I had just one day to stay in, so these are just some photos from walking among the streets of Venice. I decided to take with me only a couple film rolls and two my beloved film cameras Nikon F100 and FE2. It was my first visit to Venice and it’s exactly the style I love. I like to photograph interesting views and also life and Venice is made of these. Old architecture of different styles. Buildings with that interesting patina, lots of small bridges over the canals. Some places are just too crowded by tourists, which I am not a big fan of but you can find a lots of domestic empty streets in there as well.
I took my favorite film Kodak Ektar 100 which is my best all around film suitable for landscapes as well as portraits.
San Marco square in Venice, picture taken with Nikon F100, Zeiss Distagon 18mm F3.5, film Kodak Ektar 100
Gondola port in Venice,picture taken with Nikon F100, Zeiss Distagon 18mm F3.5, film Kodak Ektar 100
Rialto Bridge above the Grand Canal in Venice
San Marco Basilica from inside, I had to be cautious because taking pictures was prohibited – Ektar 100
Basilica di San Marco view, Palazzo Ducale on the left – Kodak Ektar 100, Nikon F100, Zeiss 18mm F3,5
Pigeons probably know this old woman. They were following her to this small square where she feed them.
As a companion to Kodak Ektar I took Portra 160, which I wasn’t quite sure to use it for street photography, but I was surprised how versatile it is. I loaded my nikon FE2 with it and used it for general street photography and some portraits. For this purpose I had my 50mm & 35mm combo from Nikon D family.
Crowded streets with tourists near Palazzo Ducale and San Zaccaria port – Kodak Portra 160, Nikon FE2
Venice full of small streets, old building and interesting architecture – Kodak Portra 160, Nikon FE2
Very comon view in Venice – Gondola ride, Kodak Portra 160, Nikon FE2, Nikon ais 135mm F2.8
You can experience also some open workshops in Venice – Kodak Portra 160, Nikon FE2
For a few shots I used expired agfa vista 100 (just tried it how it will look) and as it is more then 10 years expired I used it as Iso 25-50. I also packed Vista 400 for some late afternoon shots and night.
Agfa vista 100 expired, Nikon FE2, Nikon AF 50mm 1.4D
Late afternoon life in Venice – probably most famous drink Spritz – Agfa Vista 400, Nikon FE2
Street Band – Nikon FE2, Agfa vista 400
Late afternoon streets in Venice – Nikon FE2 with Agfa Vista 400
Street sales of carnival masks and souvenirs – Nikon FE2, Agfa vista 400
Venice is very interesting place and one day is just not enought to explore it and see everything that offer you. I can tell you I will return there as I realy enjoyed it and want to see more of it. Maybe do some interesting sunset/sunrise photos as well. Hope you enjoyed my article and maybe share it among your friends.